Illinois School Law

Criminal Background Checks - New Requirements

As you continue your hiring processes for the coming school year, please pay close attention to the changes related to criminal background checks pursuant to PA 101-656, which was effective March 23, 2021. PA 101-656 amended the Illinois Human Rights Act to add “conviction record” as a protected class akin to race, ethnicity, gender, disability, age, sexual orientation, or – as previously provided in the act – arrest record. 

School Law Issues Carrying Over

Despite these new requirements, there are also several legal changes from the last year that will be fully implemented in the 2020-2021 school year that may require changes to policy (if not already), handbooks, and practice: 

Tenured Teacher Dismissal for Cheating on Statewide Testing Affirmed by Illinois Appellate Court

In a divided decision of the Third District Illinois Appellate Court, the Court upheld a Board's decision to terminate a tenured teacher after a Hearing Officer found insufficient evidence to affirm the Board's dismissal of the teacher.
