Illinois School Law

Recognizing and Responding to Discrimination and Harassment Complaints Consistent with Board Policy

Increasingly, issues of legally-compliant responses to discrimination claims turn on the school district's initial recognition that the alleged conduct falls under the umbrella of discrimination.  Too often, a school district's informal and poorly documented response to a situation (even a situation where there is insufficient evidence to support a finding of discrimination) is problematic due

Responding to Organized Protests at School

In the wake of a number of recent violence and threats of violence at schools around the country, schools may be fielding concerns about organized protests and other responses to tragedies.  While concerns over disruption and practical matters over how to implement the educational program are ongoing, schools should be careful to consider the Constitutional rights of students and staff who may choose to participate in organized action, protests, or other speech.  Particularly in Illinois, where, in addition to the constitutionally protect rights of individuals to engage in peaceful protest,
