School Law

School Law Issues Carrying Over

Despite these new requirements, there are also several legal changes from the last year that will be fully implemented in the 2020-2021 school year that may require changes to policy (if not already), handbooks, and practice: 

Tenured Teacher Dismissal for Cheating on Statewide Testing Affirmed by Illinois Appellate Court

In a divided decision of the Third District Illinois Appellate Court, the Court upheld a Board's decision to terminate a tenured teacher after a Hearing Officer found insufficient evidence to affirm the Board's dismissal of the teacher.

Some Thoughts on Recent Isolated Time-Out and Restraint Publication

I am sure that many or most of you have seen the ProPublica/Chicago Tribune publication regarding the use of physical restraint and isolated timeout.  I’m not going to link it here, because I think it is so clearly one-sided and void of context, that I am not sure it is anything close to an accurate picture of what occurs in schools.  The reporters involved apparently have made arbitrary decisions about when they view documented situations to be a valid sa
